As the story goes, after enlightenment Buddha was sitting silently when some one curiously came near and ask him, "Who are you?" and Buddha replied,"I am awake". Really when we ponder deeply over this answer there comes a time when we begin to truly appreciate the answer. From the day we are born we are always dreaming this world, the ingredients being the desires which like seeds germinate as we grow older and begin to bear fruit according to our karma on the soil of mind. Life when seen from the intellectual point of view seems to be unrelated to any other phenomenon that we regularly observe around us. Although so many models has been constructed to explain this material world but the world as a whole remains still unexplained. The mind seems to ask question infinitely, there does not seems to be any point where the thinking can directly precieve a thing complete in itself. But thanks to our ancient Sages and their true followers that by reading scriptures we can at least conceive that there is something which when reached explains everything. The usual question put up by Upanishads, "What is that by knowing which everything can be known" simply shows that the way is out there to know by knowing which everthing can be known. As echoing the word of upanishad Swami Vivekananda says," knowing him alone you shall be free from death". The life of great man show us the way to awake from this great dream of world and become free as we really are. When as a small boy I used to think that if there were so small thing as micro organism which we cant see with our naked eye can there be a thing which is so big that it cant be seen also. At that time I could not find the answer now when I think over this question I just know that this universe is the biggest thing which cant be seen with this naked eye. We need a divine eye, the eye of perception itself, to see all that is real behind the seen reality of material eye. When Swami Vivekananda says,"....awake from this hynotism of weakness" he is exorting people to awake to reality as he himself was awake, his thrilling call inspires people not because of words it is already there in the dictionary but due to the sheer intensity of its realisation by himself and word simply convey that power to the reader. A gigantic power seems to be inside us and trying to express fully but presently only coming through the senses but the time must come when all the obstruction of material body breaks and the God inside us will stand revealed in its own glory. And then we can truly say, "I am Awake".