Sunday, December 25, 2022


When I read the novel Kratu for the first time I found the story interesting then felt like reading again and again each time discovering something that gives joy as if knowing and understanding my own mind. Kratu moves through such a large scale of the time frame that reading itself becomes a journey of understanding that which is still continuing for us in spite of seemingly ever-changing everything in India. Also, each line is like a quote to be memorised. So have taken up notes which can be read frequently in times when we are moving on the bus or quoting something in between discussions. 

Kratu Quotes

1. A smile is the product of Certainty, good or bad.

2. Exploration, Knowledge, Freedom, life had revealed its secret to Kratu in simple steps.

3. Grandparents love grandchildren unselfishly and so their love is intense. There is no give and take in it, nor is there any fine print of future expectation attached to it, as parents generally have.

4. Joy lies in being free, we do not even realize that life is a burden, the body, mind, emotions and memories are a burden. The aim of life should be to get rid of these burdens to get the joy of the free. No wonder many prefer death over life.

5. Nothing grows without boundaries around it.

6. Growth is life, stagnation is death.

7. If you think that you are not growing, then know for sure that you are degenerating.

8. The Company of the learned has its own virtues.

9. Luxury of freedom hates the discipline of knowledge.

10. One who has to demand has no friend.

11. A man can attain God through true friendship.

12. Fame will elude you but fulfillment you will have.

13. The changes came over to Kratu imperceptibly.

14. Life is above everything.

15. I curse that you may never forget anything. Stay cursed till eternity.

16. Time stood before him as eternity, Time is born in the mind.

17. Fear of known is mere pain. The real fear is the fear of unknown.

18. Emotions are devoid of intelligence.

19. Cosmic Correction Centre, Futuristic Correction Centre, Futuristic Hell.

20. Kratu trembled at the language. Sanskrit the language of the cultured, did not permit crude expression, which made its speakers refined in their tastes.

21. Spirit Land – The USP of the place was dissatisfaction only those who were intensely dissatisfied with life ended up hero.

22. Mind is composed of matter and it can know only that world which has the same composition as itself.

23. Your experiences are all in the mind, which get recalled as memory to refer to new kind of knowledge.

24. You are what your memory is.

25. Viciousness demands sharpness of mind; crude minds can be violent but not vicious.

26. He selected dolts as his consultants and appointed violent ones as peace makers.

27. One advantage of learning is that it sharpens the mind and thus helps it think even in dire circumstances.

28. Hitting for pleasure is the privilege of the parents.

29. He thought sarcastically, ‘Criminals talking of protecting constitution.’

30. Fear moves the universe. It makes one talkative, silent, amusing, vicious, frozen, jumpy anything.

31. When crushed to the core, one’s essence oozes out. That is how grape gives wing, mustard gives oil & stone gives dust.

32. To stand before someone known in an alien land is the greatest confidence booster.

33. Humility before the fake is mere fake.

34. Kratu’s purity, born of austerities and learning allowed him freedom to move.

35. Dadhichi’s sacrifice is the greatest that the world will ever see and will learn from.

36. The world run on sacrifice light comes when oil burns and the light of life shines when people make sacrifices.

37. ‘Progress, thy name is sacrifice. Human blood has to be sprinkled to sanctity the path before the convoy of progress passes.” thought Kratu Pensively.

38. Wisdom and emotion are not public display. Words of the wise are more precious than gold for a miser, and so they seldom speak in public or before the uncultivated. Waste not your words on insensitive or shed tears on the unworthy. That is the mantra for inner peace.

39. The road to greatness is paved with raw pebbles. There will be wounds and blood for a Traveller of this path. Learn to respect the traveller without looking at his wounds.

40. A time comes when one has to tell who he is.

41. The Universe rises in me and sets thither. Alone do I exist, none else is there Iam intelligence pure and one. Not body, senses, nor mind ever.

42. Time is a manufacture of mind.

43. It is difficult to be great, but it is more difficult to see greatness in others. It takes ages of patient learning to appreciate others.

44. Joy lies in fullness.

45. Knowledge is an end in itself.

46. Higher reaches are achieved by giving up one’s attachment for the lower.

47. Son any work of yours that does not enrich you is a sheer waste. The goal is to make your inner self rich and not merely to complete a task.

48. People and objects, whose help you take in accomplishing your work should also benefit through you. When you use the axe, its edge should get sharpened, instead of it getting blunted as happens with it all the time.

49. Only the selfish use persons and objects without caring for them.

50. One has to learn humiliation to learn humility.

51. Anger, the inseparable friend of failure.

52. It is the great irony of nature that when one loses the external weigh of relationships, he starts staggering under the increased emotional weight.

53. Every dance of destruction results in a rhythm of creation.

54. Every narration is an extension of the narrator. Take up any story or even history these are all reflections of the narrator in words.

55. Learning is the process in which one learns to fill the incoming data in the existing frames, existing in one’s mind.

56. Witty, aren’t you? Wit is a gift of God to the special one.

57. Homa was too young to recognize humility born of strength.

58. The truly strong are innocent at heart they neither scheme nor can they understand that others can be scheming.

59. Be Strong, Be Free.

60. The miserly always keep something back for them, but the strong do not hesitate to give all.

61. Knowledge creates aspiration which turns in to achievement. Never stop learning.

62. Be free. Strength liberates you; fear binds you down.

63. To demean someone is to squeeze him in a smaller space.

64. The truly strong also have the strength to hold their strength in check.

65. Strength is weakness and weakness is strength.

66. Anger is the ornament of the weak.

67. The strong are never shrewd.

68. The weak love to be loved but the strong love to love.

69. Crisis is the portal to new opportunity.

70. Life is such a beautiful chance to achieve and to give.

71. You will have to love someone someday to know what it means to be GOD.

72. God is love and he can be reached only through love.

73. When God desired to create, he, the absolute existence appeared as three – Strength, Wisdom & Love.

74. Existence is Strength, Strength allows you to be what you are even when everything around you crumbles.

75. Wisdom means to know that you exist, and you will continue to exist.

76. Pain in life comes only because we want to hold tightly what we are not.

77. Love means to be wise about your existence. You love your existence and all that you consider to be the extension of your existence.

78. When your love extends to the whole universe, you become truly wise.

79. Love makes you free, so does wisdom and strength.

80. God is wisdom; Wisdom is love, and love is strength.

81. All pain and suffering come only because one lacks strength, Wisdom and Love.

82. One moves from the collective to universality through individuality.

83. We get a body to express an idea.

84. There are different kind of matter and energy all over the universe: - Broadly these can be classified as: -

        a.    Physical Energy – that makes our earth run.

        b.   Psychic Energy – that runs the world of Ghosts and Gods.

        c.    Mind Energy - that permeates the Universe.

        d.   Will of God – Mother of all energy.

85. People go to various spheres by power of their good karma & thoughts.

86. Awareness increases eminence.

87. Learn to be Aware.

88. Sit firmly like Kurma, the diving tortoise.

89. Keep focusing on the fish till you master its mind.

90. The controlled Mind is your true friend.

91. Awareness-Eminence-Existence. This is now the Mantra for the Kratu.

92. Time, as perceived by the mind, is a measure of internal events.

93. People are so attached to their body that they hardly realize what a burden they carry all the time.

94. People keep complaining why bad things happen to them without ever realizing that their own thoughts, reflected from the great walls of the cosmic Mind, hit them with redoubled force.

95. Everyone claims to be different, but there never is a unique person. You all are made from the same template.

96. Ideas – Words – forms.

97. “Is there a way that I can have more powers”. “Yes, if you free your mind of thoughts.”

98. The good thing about meditation and its practices is that its effects never wither away.

99. Good and bad are all same here, these are thoughts.

100. Disaster loves to build over time to create a lasting effect.

101. Freedom from fear and greed makes life enjoyable.

102. Yoga is about inclusiveness.

103. Humar is a sign of intelligence.

104. No faith runs on irrationality only your faith is not my faith and your cause effect relation is not my cause effect relation.

105. By its very nature, mind can know something only in real time, and can never between past, present and future. For it, present is the only reality and eternity.

106. Living in the present, one thinks that he will never die.

107. Achievement not meeting up expectations makes one sad.

108. The present knows no future, nor does the present know the past.

109. A visitor from tomorrow is an oxymoron.

110. The cost and speed of communication is the measure of progress of a society.

111. Discipline withholds freedom but gives security.

112. To know the particulars, one requires special acumen even if he knows the general.

113. Karma makes one enjoy and it makes others poor.

114. Karma is the great ruler; it is the great regulator.

115. Whatever one may do, its result will reach him sooner or later in this of that birth.

116. Body exposure is directly proportional to the level of incompetence in any profession.

117. Rhythm is creation.

118. To be wise is to know that rhythm is in everything.

119. Everything in the Universe is the physical form of an idea, and every idea comes from God.

120. Spirituality is not for the masses.

121. Learn the art, master it and be blessed.

122. Everything in the world was a worship of Diving.

123. Think on it. Meditate on it. Be one with it. Let us see what comes out of all that then.

124. No one ever gets anything by effort. Effort merely creates the platform where success may descend if the giver wishes to.

125. Sleep is the time when the mind brings order to its house. More garbage means that a person would require more hours of sleep to clean up the mess.

126. Love was when the mind had no thought other than that of God.

127. Mind is finite and the brain has limited capacity.

128. Manu was not an authoritarian, nor was he an idle reformer. He felt the need to codify habits that were going to be beneficial to all. For that he had to first know how the cultured lived all over Indian Sub-Continent and what they practiced by way of achara(rites), Vyavahara(dealings) and Prayscitta(Penance).

129. Calmness comes when a person is face to face with oneself.

130. Death is not an end but only the portal to a new life.

131. As for the future of Indian, I must say it is brilliant. But for that to happen, the cultured have to come down from their high pedestals. Brahmins ruined the flow of culture to the masses by being exclusive. Now the same mistake is being duplicated by the present generations. The cultured have to be responsible towards the society, but see how the neo-rich are interested only in accumulating power and wealth for themselves. By becoming exclusive, they are harming the society, which will collapse again. Once the bright ones realize this and get down to rebuilding India, things will surely change forever.

132. Loud tears are the sign of the uncultured, the brave rarely show them.

133. Life is not important; the philosophy of life is.

134. Joy comes in being one with your nature and not in chasing what you are not.

135. A subtle body, as of a dead person, can experience only the world of subtle elements.

136. Freedom is the goal, young man. Be free.

137. One can enjoy a thing only without getting attached to it emotionally.

138. The seed comes when the field is ready, greatness comes when the mind is ready.

139. It takes a lot of learning to know that you know nothing.

140. Joy lies in the infinite.

141. Life is strange, Miss Divi. It collapses if a little extra is added or a little is taken away. A perfect balance alone makes life go well.

142. Emotions are the great enemy of Mind Power.

143. To grow in life, which is the goal of human life, always strive to be among your peers or with the greats. You will not get adoration, but you will surely grow.

144. A mind can spontaneously recognize a similar mind, be that lustful or wise.

145. Silence is the sign of Maturity.

146. Think beyond the cage and you will see the infinite space waiting for you.

147. Eternal separation alone is true on this earth, everything else fall short.

148. Death will come to each of us, even if we do not want, so give life a chance.

149. Life is a great chance, the great platform that allows one to improve and move ahead.

150. One achieves everything in life only through concentration.

151. Every suffering is the conflagration that burn down the dross in one’s personality.

152. Suicide is not the gateway to peace but is the trapdoor to hell.

153. Build your strength by loving something or someone, without wanting, expecting or accepting.

154. Want nothing, accept nothing. Believe me, you will become great.

155. Is not it interesting in life that we remember negative things more clearly than all the positive things that might have happened to us?

156. Be great in your own right, sis. Take up either dedication to Knowledge or Creation of Wealth for the society, or Service to others. Or give up all for the World.  Take up one or more or these and become blessed in LIFE.


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